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 Sable - Death Knight

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Sable - Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Sable - Death Knight   Sable - Death Knight EmptyMon Oct 12, 2009 1:29 pm

Name: Mark

Age: 32

Where are you from? Manchester, UK - although I'm originally from Bristol so still sound like a farmer/pirate.

Pie or CupCake? Cupcake, everyone up here seems to be in denial they even exist. I miss cupcakes, buns just don't seem the same.

Any other funny/interesting/disturbing things about yourself that we should know?

I'm currently recovering from Swine Flu, so I'm still not allowed outside or to even answer the door if someone knocks. I've never watched so much daytime TV Smile

I'm a mountain biker and snowboarder, not an overly great one but have an amazing talent for hitting trees. I think it's my mutant ability - wood magnetism or something. Despite my years of offroad mountain biking I managed to crash on the way to work riding across a 6cm deep pothole at about 10mph, smashing my helmet to pieces in the process in front of several passers by. Much embarassed limping home afterwards Smile

I have a dog called Charlie who thinks it's funny to wake me up at 6am every day, including weekends, then fall asleep again afterwards. If he wasn't so cute (american cocker spaniel, very fluffy and dopey looking) I'd be annoyed.

About your character

Char. Name: Sable
Char. Class: Death Knight
Armoury Link:
Professions: Mining/JC - only recently obtained so grinding up slowly.

What raiding experience do u have ?

Pre-WOTLK I've done all the old world raids except the original Naxx at level 60 along with Kara/ZA/Gruul/Mag/SS and The Eye at level 70. This was as a Druid healer/tank (for the old world raids) and Druid (tank)/Warrior(tank)/Hunter for the level 70 raids.

At 80 I've been primarily playing Alliance side up until now (Prot/Holy Paladin) and have done Naxx10/some Naxx25/OS/Malygos/VoA/Uld10 up to Mimiron/ToC10 Beasts and 50% on Lord Jaraxxus (time ran out on the raid, guild decided not to continue with ToC until post Uld.)

On Sable I've only done Naxx10 and some Naxx25 with a friends guild to help fill out their numbers.

As you can see I've mostly been a tank in my WoW career and have high level tanked with all four classes in my time. Other than that I've healed as a Druid/Paladin and attempted range dps with a Hunter/Moonkin.

What guild(s) have you been in and why did you leave?
Horde side with Sable I've only been in/still am in Original Sin. It was created with a group of friends at WOTLK start to be a 10-man guild but real life caught us and people drifted from the game/to other servers. It's now purely a guild for my girlfriend and I to hold our characters and provide bank space. In TBC I was in Shadow of Dawnsong before they became hardcore, then briefly Amiciti with some friends from SoD before founding Emergence with a friend. I left the game not long after due to work and came back just before WOTLK into Original Sin.

Most of WOTLK, oddly after hitting 80 with Sable, I've been playing Alliance side on Aszune with my Paladin. Have been happy there in the same guild since leveling beyond 70 and it's only recently that I've been worn down by the growing "alliance-ness" of things, people seem to be becoming selfish and completely self absorbed which makes me a very sad panda. I almost left the game but figured rather than do that I should have a play Horde side again and see if it's different. Couple of weeks later I'm still playing and realising that "alliance-ness" isn't everywhere and finding I'm converted to the "dark side" once more (although you could call it the "more interesting side with better mounts and racials" if you prefer Wink )

What times are you available to raid each week?
Realistically from around 20:00 (server) on a weeknight due to finishing work and walking the dog/cooking food but 19:30 is certainly doable. Weekends are more open of course so there's less of an issue then. I'm a night owl even though I need to get up fairly early (*looks at dog!*) so regularly don't go to sleep til after 01:00 (server.)

Do you know anybody currently in H O T?
I don't I'm afraid, although I remember many of your member names from back in your Red Fury days during TBC.

Why do you want to join & raid with H O T?
After returning to Horde side I've been struck by the enormous number of guilds out there, so many I don't recognise from the TBC days either. There seems to be a whole host of pure hardcore guilds who I'm sure would like people to have the achievement for Arthas the day before 3.3 comes out before letting people do heroic UK. My girlfriend recommended you as she'd been in Red Fury for a time during TBC (Bryana - Resto Druid) and said that you were all really nice people to play with. Beyond that your ethos seems to fit with what I look for in the game - being fair, sociable, focused when required and a fun place to play.

If I'm honest I'd like to raid with you some day but obviously understand that my DK's gear is a bit lacking for Uld/ToC currently.

Anything else you wish to add to support your application?

I'm just an easy going guy who's got some solid experience in the game but hasn't forgotten that it's impossible to know everything and realises I only know my way for things, I love learning new approaches to encounters/classes from the experience of others Smile I'm not loot orientated, it's just something that comes while playing through great encounters with friends.

I know that my gear lets me down in my application, it reflects the fact I've really only raided a little as a DK since coming back, although somehow managing to get lucky when it counted (totally against my normal loot rolling of a "5" I should add!) I'm attempting to rectify that with some concentrated badge farming, with even more when 3.3 hits I suppose and the widespread emblem switches to Triumph.

I also realise that you aren't actively recruiting Death Knights, but then again nobody seems to be due to the overwhelming number of them (I remember a similar problem with my hunter back in TBC - always pick the right classes Wink .) I thought it was worth entering an application anyway, but completely understand if you don't have any more Death Knight space.

Thanks for reading my application, sorry if it's a bit 'wall of text.'
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Sable - Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sable - Death Knight   Sable - Death Knight EmptyMon Oct 12, 2009 1:31 pm

Hmm, naturally I forgot to actually paste the armoury link I'd copied into the application. Doh.

I'd blame the swine flu if I could Wink

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Posts : 265
Join date : 2009-07-03
Location : Norway

Sable - Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sable - Death Knight   Sable - Death Knight EmptyMon Oct 12, 2009 2:32 pm

Very nice app Smile
Its not that we arent recruiting DK's (we only have one active dk, we have never been overwhelmed by them), its more if we can fit in another tank and still let all raid a fair amount.

How much do you want to raid ? Can u both tank and dps ?

Ill get another officer or two to have a look.
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Posts : 214
Join date : 2009-07-03

Sable - Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sable - Death Knight   Sable - Death Knight EmptyMon Oct 12, 2009 5:12 pm


I think we have plenty of tanks atm, one of the tanks we have is a death knight also. We cant promise you a spot in every raid if we want to give everyone an equal chance of raiding. Same with dps as well, we have loads of dps (most are mages tho) but there is the offdays they don't show up which leads us to either calling or pugging.

Will have a little chat with Bee if I remember. :p
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Sable - Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sable - Death Knight   Sable - Death Knight EmptyMon Oct 12, 2009 5:45 pm

Thanks for the replies.

I have to be honest and say my DPS isn't likely to be very good, melee dps is the one role in this game I seem to be allergic too Smile Although I'm sure it's nothing practice wouldn't fix, sadly my DPS gear is pretty much non-existant (i.e. I'd struggle getting into a heroic without people pointing and laughing at me Smile )

I do understand the problem though, there's only so many tanks needed for a 10man raid and only so many reserve tanks before people don't get to go more than once in a blue moon. That and coming back late in the game cycle leaving me undergeared for current content means I'd be unfairly pressuring other tanks positions for 'farm' content...which isn't what I'd want to do Smile

So I think I'll withdraw my application for now, continuing improving my gear through heroics and pugs and maybe look back in a while if you end up short of a meat shield (or if I manage to get the melee dps thing working one day!)

Thank you for considering me though Smile
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Sable - Death Knight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sable - Death Knight   Sable - Death Knight Empty

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