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 For better raiding: Tips for making a pleasant raid

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For better raiding: Tips for making a pleasant raid Empty
PostSubject: For better raiding: Tips for making a pleasant raid   For better raiding: Tips for making a pleasant raid EmptyFri Mar 05, 2010 6:10 pm

I decided to scribble a few helpful tips that could improve the raiding experience. The idea of this list is not to write down what is wrong, but act as a general “guide” to raiding. Some of them might seem obvious, some might seem harsh, some even completely pointless, but my aim is to make everyone think if something could be done a bit differently, to get the ball rolling. These are NOT RULES, these are NOT AIMED AT ANYONE in particular, these are mere suggestions. This list is not carved to stone to be forever preserved as it is, nor the things listed the absolute truth.

It may look big and intimidating at first, but take heart!

If you have any thoughts you wish to add, please by all means. Input is important: tear it down, criticize it, agree with it, print it and make a paper plane out of it! I try to keep this updated if needed.

Before a raid:
  • Please use the calendar properly. If you know you are going to come, accept. If you would like to come but you don't know if you can make it, choose tentative. If you don't want/can't come, decline. You can change this whenever you want, as many times as you want.
  • If you promise to show up, do so in time. Making everyone wait for nothing is impolite and wastes time from everyone who actually would like to do something.
  • If something unexpected happens and you will be late, try to inform someone if possible. That way we know to plan accordingly. If you can't, it's perfectly alright. Real life always comes first.
  • Try to keep your add-ons up-to-date and ready before the raid.
  • When the time for invites starts to close in, start to prepare yourself. Finish what you are doing, repair, make sure you have everything needed with you and start making your way towards the instance.
  • Make sure you have enough flasks/potions/food/reagents for the entire duration of the raid.
  • If you happen to have any spare fish lying around, consider cooking them into feast or giving them to someone who can. Even one tiny fish every now and then helps to share the workload.
  • If you are feeling lucky and have enough bag space available, grab a few gems and some enchanting materials along. Maybe you'll get something nice and you will be able to give it a whirl straight away! There is almost guaranteed to be someone around who can cut/enchant for you, but please wait until a break.
  • Read the tactics beforehand. If you don't know which boss we are planning to try, don't be afraid to ask. It is better to watch one extra video before the raid than make everyone wait for you to finish it right at the boss's doorstep.
  • If you don't get in this time, don't feel down. The chances are that you will get in next time.

In a raid:
  • When you get the invite, log in to Ventrilo straight away. You don't have to say anything at all, the important part is that you are able to listen. The information needed can be found from the Ginfo.
  • Help with summoning, if possible. The faster everyone is in, the faster we can start.
  • When a break is announced, make use of it. That way we don't have to stop again in five minutes for someone to get something. However, use common sense - don't prepare for a nuclear war while everyone else is already done.
  • Don't wait to be resurrected; it is faster to just run in. Besides, everyone else is already running.
  • Pull your own weight. Even if you get in, it doesn't mean you can just hang around while others do all the work. Even if it seems like your role is not needed right that moment, help others. Be creative and don't be afraid to step out of your role, because everything is better than just standing there looking at the fireworks.
  • You do not raid alone, the nine people with you are not bots. Be considerate.
  • If something comes up and you have to leave or take a little break, please tell everyone. Don't just vanish into thin air.
  • There will always be interruptions, technical issues, real life issues, etc. Be patient.
  • Do not ragequit or fake disconnect.
  • Listen what the raid leader has to say. Don't run around soloing even if you think that's the best way ever to deal with the given situation.
  • Don't be discouraged after a wipe: practice makes perfect!
  • If you feel there is something that should be done differently or just don't like, don't be afraid to bring it up. No one can improve if no criticism is given, but remember to be constructive. “U SUCK” does not help. But don't forget you have to be prepared to face criticism too.
  • The most important tip ever: Have fun and enjoy the raid!

To raid leaders:
  • Put the calendar entry up well in advance. Remember to give a brief description of what the plan is, to make sure everyone does their research.
  • Plan early. Take a look at the calendar to see who has signed up and take a note of who you would like to take along. Check again before the raid to see who is online and start to think who should get the spot if the original doesn't show up in time. Plan when is the time to start pugging.
  • Make sure to treat everyone equal. If someone had to be left out one day, make sure he can get in some other time.
  • Have a plan-B for almost every scenario. For example, if it looks like we don't get the manpower for ICC, think of a few suggestions in advance.
  • Even if you have your hands full with leadership issues, don't forget the raiders. We normal soldiers cannot read your minds and may grow impatient if we are just standing around with no explanation. Saying “one moment” can be worth a lot.
  • Ready check is your best friend.
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Location : Norway

For better raiding: Tips for making a pleasant raid Empty
PostSubject: Re: For better raiding: Tips for making a pleasant raid   For better raiding: Tips for making a pleasant raid EmptySat Mar 06, 2010 2:39 am

Thanks Lutu Smile If you dont mind I might use alot of it to put into an "official" HOT raiding guide, when some more people has given their reply in the other thread Smile
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Posts : 214
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For better raiding: Tips for making a pleasant raid Empty
PostSubject: Re: For better raiding: Tips for making a pleasant raid   For better raiding: Tips for making a pleasant raid EmptySun Mar 07, 2010 12:06 pm

Thank you for this Lutu Smile very good read, so good in fact I will make it sticky. Lets just hope the sticky stuff doesn't make it smell to bad or it drys funny Sad

A cupcake for you in the next raid! Smile Maybe ask Poos for a hug too
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Posts : 17
Join date : 2009-10-01

For better raiding: Tips for making a pleasant raid Empty
PostSubject: Re: For better raiding: Tips for making a pleasant raid   For better raiding: Tips for making a pleasant raid EmptySat Jul 10, 2010 9:49 pm

Suggestion for "Before a Raid - Wait patiently while Sothas performs his erotic dance of courage.
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